Daily Requirements:
1. Visit Website: https://hhs3danimation.blogspot.com/
2. Answer daily Starter.
3. Enter your answer into the google form. https://forms.gle/yfufL6qpSzQxebeEA
How to turn in work: Copy and paste the progress form and document your work with
screenshots and writing what you did each week and submit to Canvas. Progress Form.
screenshots and writing what you did each week and submit to Canvas. Progress Form.
1. If you have Blender, create a digital short.
2. No Blender you will need to write and research how would have implemented your ideas.
3. I will have a Zoom meeting one a week to answer any questions.
Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/2057032934Password: 171479
Objective: Animate & Render
Assignment: Animation & Rendering
Details: Animate your characters and render each clip.
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